GoCampus Ambassador Roadshow at Universitas Indonesia - Registration Form
Hi Yellow Jacket! πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™€πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™‚
GoCampus Ambassador by Gojek will be having our last roadshow stop at Universitas Indonesia and we're thrilled to meet you guys there! By joining this event, you'll be able to:
1) Understand digital transformation better & equip yourself to build your dream career path
2) Get a glimpse of our GoCampus Ambassador Program
3) Get a lot of freebies from Gojek!
You surely wouldn't want to miss this event!

If you're interested, we need to collect some of your personal information. By filling out this form, you agree to provide us with the following information:
  • Full Name
  • Mobile Number (registered with Gojek and/or WA)
  • Social media accounts (Instagram and/or TikTok)
We will use this information to communicate with you about the latest promos related to GoCampus.

You can always withdraw this consent by returning to this link.

You can see Gojek's Privacy Policies here.
Email *
What's your full name? *
Phone number registered in Gojek App *
i.e 08123456789
What's your social media account?
Instagram and/or TikTok username
To join the event, we need you to join as GoCampus Ambassador Candidate simply by following these steps! πŸ˜†
Input your GoCampus Unique Code *
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